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Tayô Tayo: The Red Whistle at 10


By: Benedict Bernabe

Who would have thought that a mission started by a group of friends in 2011 will last ten years and change the game in HIV awareness?

The Red Whistle turns 10 this year with the theme Tayô Tayo— let's stand up and rise together.

The COVID-19 pandemic has hindered our efforts in promoting health and human rights for all. But with the same spirit that we had as we dealt with the loss of friends to AIDS ten years ago, on this momentous occasion, we encourage everyone to rise up and fight again: tayô tayo. Let's pick up where we left off and move things forward.

This year is pivotal for The Red Whistle. We have finalized our Strategic Plan for the next ten years and we are excited to announce our new vision: "Health and human rights for all." We will be expanding our work beyond HIV and do more in raising SOGIESC and mental health awareness—two issues that intersect with our core issue of HIV awareness.

In the course of our work in the last ten years, we have realized that it is important to see individuals holistically and offer programs that comprehensively address the issues that affect them and hinder them from reaching their fullest potential.

In the next few weeks, we will be announcing ways through which you can support our work, whether as a volunteer or a donor. We hope that you will join us in this new chapter in our mission.

Tayô tayo. We know it is tough. Let us be there for each other and help each other stand up and rise again. We are here for you.

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Niccolo Cosme
Niccolo Cosme
Jun 03, 2021


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