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The Red Whistle commemorates AIDS Candlelight Memorial

Writer: Niccolo CosmeNiccolo Cosme

The Red Whistle, in partnership with Yoga for Life and Sustained Health Initiatives of the Philippines (SHIP), will host “Stories of Loving, Songs of Longing”, an International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2021 Twitter Space on Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 8:30PM, live on The Red Whistle’s Twitter account,

Twitter has been a safe space for Filipinos living with HIV for many years. Twitter Spaces is a new platform where members of the community can get together while maintaining anonymity, privacy, and confidentiality of identity. In the midst of lockdown and a global pandemic, we hold space for our brothers and sisters living with HIV to commemorate the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2021 safely and meaningfully.

Held every third Sunday of May, the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is an opportunity to remember the people we have lost, honour those who dedicated their lives to helping people living with and affected by HIV, and continue to mobilise our communities in solidarity.

On Sunday, May 16, we set up the space for PLHIV to share stories and songs to commemorate their friends and loved ones who have passed on due to AIDS-related complications. The Space will feature stories and performances from theater, film, and TV actors Topper Fabregas (@topperwhere) and Phi Palmos (@phipalmos) and Twitter HIV advocates Eric Sendon (@kuya_daddy) and Ed Busim (@edbusim). The Space will be moderated by Ben Bernabe (@yogawithben), Russ Elloso (@TitoNgKyusi), and Red Castro (@RedCastro8). Aside from the sharing of stories and songs, the moderators will also be discussing current issues experienced by people living with HIV in the Philippines.

In keeping with the principle of greater and more meaningful participation of people living with HIV, those who want to share their stories or songs are encouraged to register in advance via this anonymous form: or simply request to speak during the event.

For more updates, follow The Red Whistle’s Twitter account,


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